Corporate Art Consulting
At Collaborations, we are experts in corporate art consulting. When advising companies on art, we use art as a tool to convey a narrative related to the company, and it is crucial that you can recognize yourselves in this narrative.
Our clients include both larger companies using art to create dialogue and brand value, architects working with the highest DGNB certification in sustainable construction, or companies using art as an investment.
Example of a consulting project
A large international consultancy firm
The client asked us for assistance with art decoration in their new headquarters. We solved the task by curating the art based on various premises, for example, we agreed that movement is the focal point of the building. At the same time, the art should maintain the same aesthetic in line with the architecture of the new headquarters. We ended up selecting works by three talented Danish artists in glass and copper.
Esben Weile Kjær
Astrid Myntekær
Further questions
Tania Asbæk
Phone: 5180 8054